Thursday, June 5, 2014

In Liam's Wake by Ashlyn Forge

I have to admit that I had to reread the beginning of this book a couple of times because for some reason the first time I could not get into it. Maybe I was distracted by other things, but luckily the second time I read it, when I knew I could have some quiet, I was definitely able to get into it.

In the beginning, we see only one side of our main character, Liam. I mean, we obviously see he has some sort of disregard for the place he is in and those higher up, but we don't understand truly why he feels the way he does. That, however, is pretty well explained or shown to us as the story goes on.

Now the relationship Liam has with Riley seemed a bit confusing to me. It was kind of a love/hate thing. But I kind of saw that Liam did not really hate Riley so much as he kind of hated the fact he had feelings for him. He was confused and, to be honest, a tad scared, which I think scared him even more because his heart was leading him more than his head was. And I think considering how tough a guy he seems, and regarding everything he went through in the flashbacks that revealed his blooming relationship with Riley, it kind of freaked him out that his own morals were being proven wrong and being changed due to his growing feelings.

I love that the story gets more complicated as it goes on. We start out getting to initially know the characters brought to life before our eyes, and then just when we think we know who they are, something happens to bring us even deeper into their world. This first book of this world is phenomenal and just sucked me, you know, once I was able to just sit down and read it.

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